Horizontal scaling would follow a similar pattern by emulating the successful experience in the company’s core in a different business unit, bringing lean-agile practices to the new functional area. For example, a company could begin in its development organization, and then bring lean-agile principles to operations, and later to customer service. Whether scaling horizontally or vertically, success factors include: DCreating a competency pool within the organization using a construct such as an agile center of excellence where talented staff can practice agile principles and methods, and be available to work on subsequent projects. This can help a company disseminate agile approaches effectively. DBusiness support. The goal of spreading lean-agile practices throughout the enterprise is nothing less than a thorough transformation. In our experience, agile enterprise transformation succeeds best when the business drives changes, and IT works as an equal partner. DBuilding cross-functional, agile teams with people possessing the authority to drive change. Cross-functional knowledge will help the team to spread agile ways of working when the company moves from a pilot project in one area to adopting agile ways of working in another. This team will create clarity for stakeholders, defining both the roles they play, and the work they do. To initiate the journey to spread agility to other parts of the organization, start by using the agile readiness assessment to identify areas for improvement that are well positioned to adopt the new practices. Then prepare a transformation roadmap, for second, third, and more projects, and functional areas. Organize teams around value streams in the business area so the team’s work is focused on projects valuable to customers (whether external or internal). Invest in coaching to help teams learn lean-agile practices and methods. During projects, inspect results and adapt accordingly. Review progress according to relevant business metrics. Track outcomes. Conduct regular retrospectives to identify project areas that met or exceeded their goals, and those that could be improved. Correct course and adapt as required to meet the company’s objectives.

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