Functional Area Key Features / Capabilities Supported Sales Processes Across € Prospect campaign execution Product Lines € Prospect management € Customer offer € Commissions € Product matching € Product sales support Loan Origination € Know Your Customer (KYC) (Mortgage, Auto) € Employment verification € Validate bank details € Credit history check € Loan eligibility check € Asset valuation € Documentation management Retail Bank— € Account opening, account activation Accounts and Deposits € Transaction posting, balance checks € Service interest computation, tax computation, fees € Support functions—KYC, customer statements Common Reference Data € Client/party management Used Across the Bank € Product management € Market data management € External agency management Figure 8: Banking Features Ripe for Reuse 4. Build once, use many times. When a team develops a hit feature for customers, the organization should look for other parts of the business that could reuse it. This principle is especially relevant to banking and financial services. Figure 8 shows common examples that we’ve seen of banking features that agile teams are repurposing in their companies.

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