BBBB Pattern B applies to business functions such as BBBB strategy and planning, marketing, finance, HR, R&D, learning and development, and others. These BBBB functions are well suited to adopt lean-agile principles, BBBB but not necessarily all agile methods. The adoption BBBB of agile methods and practices should be reviewed BBBB for their applicability and real benefits, as opposed to force-fitting agile to proven business processes. Selecting an Agile Pilot Project The next step after identifying the area of a company to make agile is selecting a pilot project. An ideal pilot project should be neither too short (to be credible and representative) nor too long (so the company can see timely outcomes and benefits). We typically recommend three-month pilots, giving the company sucient time to inspect, adapt, and adopt lessons after four or more iterations during the project. The pilot project should matter to the larger organization—but not be a top priority. Top priority projects will place too much pressure on a project team engaged in what is also a learning exercise. On the other hand, unimportant projects will not gain adequate commitment by participants, and will fail to establish credibility for lean-agile approaches. A successful pilot project provides proof that lean-agile practices are valuable. It demonstrates to leaders and the organization that they can execute an agile project in the company’s core. With a successful pilot complete, it’s time to build on that experience.

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