Ignoring the 4JYth Principle: Teams are Already Most Agile Location-Independent It’s not hard to see why the authors of the Agile Manifesto urged companies to create agile teams that work in the same room. The ability to have face-to-face conversations on demand can increase trust, accelerate decisions, and spawn better ideas. It’s a key reason why online music company Spotify has grown from zero to $5 billion in annual revenue since it launched its streaming service in 2008, and 39% alone 63 between 2016 and 2017. With more than 160 million subscribers today to its streaming music services, Spotify (whose legal headquarters is Luxembourg) divides its agile teams into four types: ‘squads’, ‘tribes’, ‘guilds’, and ‘chapters’. Each squad works out of the same room (with one room devoted to each squad). A squad typically consists of six to seven people who produce the code that’s put into use often daily on the firm’s site for music listeners and music sellers. 63 Fortune, Spotify IPO: What You Need to Know Now that the Paperwork is Public, February 28, 2018, accessed April 17, 2018, http://fortune.com/2018/02/28/spotify-ipo-what-you-need-to-know/
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