Globalization and industrialization have made personalization difficult. Businesses have huge customer bases – driven by the internet – and mass production has become essential to meet demand. The prohibitive cost of offering mass personalization plus the labor-intensive nature of offering custom goods and services at scale have discouraged companies. Digital technologies are changing this. According to our 1 research , more than three-quarters (78%) of companies globally say they are able to customize their products and services to individual customers and transactions either most or all of the time. Mass personalization is clearly a primary strategy for brands today. And there is a big prize for brands that succeed: customers for life. Our data show that a third (32%) of businesses report less churn as a result of being able to personalize their offerings.1 High levels of customer loyalty and retention are the holy grail for marketers – particularly for businesses with subscription-based business models – and personalization at scale is a key way to achieve this. TCS, Winning in a Business 4.0 World, 5

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