D emand for personalization among customers is high, and the rewards for companies can be great; it is a win-win strategy. But how do businesses get personal – at scale? Data Mass personalization is built upon data. Without data, brands cannot find out what products, services and experiences consumers want, let alone provide them. One example of a company using data to drive personalization is beauty brand Olay, which recently launched its AI-powered Skin Advisor2 service to customers. The mobile app allows women to take a ‘selfie’ on their cellphones, which is analyzed by Olay’s VizIDTM deep learning technology. Once the customer has answered a few questions about their product preferences, the app tells them their ‘skin age’ and highlights any problem areas they may have, based on its analysis. Then Olay offers the customer a personalized range of product recommendations – all driven by data. 2 P&G, News Release: Olay Unveils Global Skin Analysis Platform Olay Skin Advisor – The First-Of-Its-Kind Application of Deep Learning in the Beauty Industry (February 2017), accessed October 28, 2019, https://news.pg.com/press-release/pg-corporate-announcements/olay-unveils-global-skin-analysis-platform-olay-skin-adviso 7

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