There are likely to be some in the organization who resist the effort to move to agile. To bring detractors on board, leaders can implement a comprehensive change management strategy—building awareness, cultivating participants’ acceptance, and enabling them to understand the benefits (‘what’s in it for me’). Demonstrating quick results from the effort will help win over colleagues who are skeptical of agile. The message needs to be this: The company’s competitiveness depends on it. Once these barriers are overcome, it should become obvious that the adoption of agile is making the organization stronger. Agile should be breaking down barriers across the organization, and focusing it on what matters most to customers—and not on products or product features that aren’t generating value. And combined with DevOps practices that automate the release of new technology-enabled features, agile can bring more coherence to a bank’s effort to develop IT systems that were not integrated from past mergers and acquisitions. Leaders at banks and financial services companies know that innovative, fintechs are working hard to take their business, and they are agile for a reason. Agile approaches are critical to making established financial services firms grow faster, become more competitive, and serve customers better, especially online.

How Retail CEOs Can Drive Agile to Grow Their Business - Page 26 How Retail CEOs Can Drive Agile to Grow Their Business Page 25