Authors Apala Mukherjee Practice Head, Tata Consultancy Services Courtney Wood Director, Consulting, Tata Consultancy Services Threatened by digital competition, many companies are embracing lean-agile approaches to accelerate innovation to remain market relevant and fiscally viable. When companies master them, these approaches become a competitive advantage in harnessing talent and capability, a key tenet of what we call Business 4.0. Using lean-agile approaches to nurture innovation requires mastering the discipline of generating new ideas and managing the subsequent innovation portfolio based on strategic or other business outcomes sought. It means applying lean-agile precepts not only in those functions directly involved in the development and delivery of products and services to end customers, but also throughout support functions and shared services.

Enterprise Agility:  Pushing Innovation to the  Edge of the Organization - Page 2 Enterprise Agility: Pushing Innovation to the Edge of the Organization Page 1 Page 3