Effective coaches tailor their teaching with those employees and cede to to an individual’s leadership style and them the control they are accustomed behaviors, holding a mirror up to a to having. Coaching exercises can leader so she can see both what she provide opportunities for these leaders is doing and her impact on others. to understand what it takes to invest Does she instill fear or trust in team the time and effort required to develop members? Does she possess the the personal relationships with team emotional intelligence required to members that allow leaders to engage take every team member’s personal effectively, and thereby empower team concerns and points of view into members to succeed in agile ways account as she communicates the of working. team’s priorities? Surveys show low employee engagement across the The effort to adopt an agile mindset board. Gallup’s 2017 survey found only requires building trust throughout the a third of U.S. employees engaged at organization, starting with leaders. 17 work. This is why so-called soft skills Examples of trust include: are critical. € Showing confidence in teams to Coaching sessions make a leader aware make decisions € of what he does now that can either Understanding failure as a learning enhance or inhibit the adoption of an opportunity rather than a reason to agile culture. Often, behaviors learned assign blame € over years working (and flourishing) in Cultivating individual relationships traditional cultures don’t translate to an with colleagues and appreciating agile environment. Agile organizations their value (instead of fostering a are flatter, with lower-level people superior-underling dynamic as in authorized to make decisions. For traditional work cultures) some leaders, it takes practice (and confidence) to learn how to engage 17 Gallup, State of the American Workplace, February 2017, accessed March 13, 2018, http://news.gallup.com/ reports/199961/state-american-workplace-report-2017.aspx

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