Digital Transformation Report: TCS Survey - Powerpoint, Google Slides

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Digital Transformation Report: TCS Survey

90% ORGANIZATIONS HAVE BEGUN THEIR BUSINESS 4.0 TM JOURNEY A few leaders have adapted their business strategies to take advantage of all four behaviors - TCS Business 4.0 Study reveals DOWNLOAD THE REPORT

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WINNING .0 4 IN A BUSINESS WORLD By implementing digital technologies, organizations are adopting four specific behaviors to deliver better business outcomes Driving mass Creating Leveraging personalization exponential ecosystem Embracingrisk value Organizations that master these behaviors are best positioned to thrive in the waves of disruption and change.

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THENUMBERS BEHIND THE REPORT TCS conducted a study to understand how Business 4.0 is playing out on the ground. Respondents Industries Countries C-Suite mn/year respondents Annual revenue of participating firms In addition, we conducted in-depth interviews with 30 business leaders from across industries worldwide, to get their perspective on Business 4.0 and how it is driving performance within their organizations.

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A FEW .0 4 LEADERS GING AHEAD Organizations adopting Business 4.0 principles have developed business models that allow them to create multiple levels of value. Here's a look at their composition. 9% 82% 9% LEADERS EARLY ADOPTERS FOLLOWERS Adopted all 4 behaviors Adopted at least one behavior Not adopted any behavior yet

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ANATOMY OF A LEADER Organizations with annual revenue of $1 billion or more feature prominently among the leaders. While their larger size makes them less flexible to change, they have greater resources and more experience, thereby able to build new capabilities faster. 40% LARGE ORGANIZATIONS Revenue between $1.1 Billion and $5 Billion

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LEADERS COME FROM ALL INDUSTRIES While Banking & Financial Services and Telecom lead in the adoption of Business 4.0™ principles, Retail & CPG and Manufacturing are catching up. 18% 18% 12% 11% Banking Telecom Retail & CPG Manufacturing & Financial Services

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LEADING ON PERFORMANCE Leaders demonstrate and anticipate stronger revenue growth than followers. 60% 35% 22% LEADERS EARLY ADOPTERS FOLLOWERS Expect > 10% growth in the Expect >10% growth in the Expect >10% growth in the next 3 years next 3 years next 3 years Leaders are much more likely to boost customer profitability from personalization, and increase revenue through ecosystem play. Far more agile than followers, they are likely to launch new products and update existing ones faster.

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LEADING TECH ADOPTION Adopting the Business 4.0 behaviors will help companies transform operations and seize new opportunities. Our study reveals a strong link between Business 4.0 maturity and technology adoption. MORE DETAIL Here’s how Business 4.0 leaders, early adopters and followers from our study fare on the tech barometer.

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THE SHIFT TOWARDS AGILITY Imbibing agile principles is critical. The agile philosophy is integral to embracing risk and key to establishing a culture that drives innovation and transformation. 70% Leaders have agile methods for every process in their organization

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AGILE GOES BIG Adopting agile practices widely gives businesses the best chance of translating their new capabilities into Business 4.0™attributes. 51% Companies with annual revenue more than $5 billion say agile underpins all their processes Our study reveals larger organizations as more likely to have propagated agile practices widely.

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BREAKING THE BARRIERS DOWN While the benefits of adopting Business 4.0 principles are evident, there are hurdles along the way. Here are some of the most prominent ones. BARRIERS TO CHANGE 35% 38% Inflexible or outdated Risks to technology data security Driving mass Creating exponential personalization value 36% 36% Traditional corporate Risks to culture data security Embracing risk Leveraging ecosystems

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WANTED: LEADERS TO SPEARHEAD CHANGE THEchange The reluctance of people and senior management to change is among the biggest challenges organizations face in their pursuit of Business 4.0 transformation Organizations citing lack of senior leadership as a key barrier to adopting Business 4.0 principles 21% 19% 16% 24% Driving mass Creating Leveraging Embracing risk personalization exponential value ecosystems

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4.0 THE WAY WARD TCS study highlights five key lessons to guide businesses as they race toward the Business 4.0 finish line. Develop No more ecosystems Agile is not just Buy-in from the industry-focused Think through genuine for IT top is necessary blinders 'Machine first' collaboration Download the report

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