2 Applying Agile Innovation is a fundamental reason why companies adopt agile management practices—that is, the ability to source promising ideas and turn them into new products, services, processes and even new businesses at lightning speed. In their article ‘Enterprise Agility: Pushing Innovation to the Edge of the Organization’, TCS consultants Courtney Wood and Apala Mukherjee show why some of the best agile adopters have empowered their people on the front lines to identify new business opportunities. If you think that agile is something everyone below you in your organization needs to learn (but not you), then think again. In their article ‘Effective Leadership of Agile Organizations: Building a Culture of Servant Leadership’, Nidhi Srivastava and Carl Shea discuss why leaders of organizations that wish to become agile must absorb the mindsets and master the skills required to make those below them successful. In the last article in this section, we are honored to have a pioneer of Silicon Valley-style lean and agile approaches. He is Steve Blank, a Silicon Valley entrepreneur who has been a cog in the wheel of the lean startup movement. Blank more recently has been teaching lean startup approaches to big, longstanding organizations, both in business and government. He tells us about that in our interview with him ‘The Tall Task of Getting Big Companies and Government to Innovate Like Lean Startups’. 8

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