Author By Krishnan Ramanujam President, Business and Technology Services, Tata Consultancy Services The software development community has been using the term ‘agile’ for more than 20 years. But over the last decade, agile approaches have jumped the tracks to the rest of the business world. The reason is clear: The success of large companies now depends on using digital technologies to reinvent their business models; automate and monitor the performance of their products and services using embedded wireless sensors; use technologies to bring intelligence and personalized interactions with customers; and make all this possible by tapping into the huge on-demand computing power of cloud providers. Each article in this issue of Perspectives dissects today’s urgent need for companies to have industrial-strength capabilities in agile to manage their businesses. We group the articles in three sections. 5

Agile’s Day Has Truly Arrived - Page 2 Agile’s Day Has Truly Arrived Page 1 Page 3